P2PU Brings Open Online Learning to Chicago Public Library  

Chicago Public Library and Peer 2 Peer University are excited to announce a new initiative to support online learning in local libraries. While online education offers significant promise, the lack of peer-support and face-to-face learning options are often barriers to successful participation, especially for newcomers. To address this, P2PU and Chicago Public Library are developing…

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Writing for Change Report Now Out!  

  We’re very happy to be able to share with you our latest Lab Report, entitled Writing for Change. These Reports are an ongoing series of P2PU publications in which we describe our latest experiments in learning, ruminate on the outcomes and think about new ways to implement peer-to-peer education online. This report is all…

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P2PU in 2014 – The Year In Review  

  It’s been quite a year at P2PU.  This is what our community, partners and team got up to in 2014. Thank you to everyone who joined a course, shared ideas, gave us their opinions, ran a course, used our data, and generally helped us to remember why online learning communities are some of the…

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Rhizomatic Learning – A Big Forking Course  

This is a crosspost from our good friend and collaborator Dave Cormier. You can see the original here The notion of rhizomatic learning has been good to me. As Ryan Tracy has recently mentioned, my thoughts about it have moved over the last eight years, but i still find that the story isn’t finished for…

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P2PU at OpenED 2014  

P2PU was at OpenEd 2014 to talk about our adventures at the bleeding edge of open ed. We had fun – thanks for all the kind words, internet-people. [View the story “P2PU at OpenEd 2014” on Storify]

Badges and beyond – Linkedin and other credentialing ideas  

As regular readers would know, P2PU was an early and active developer of a badges platform, fostering an ecosystem for micro-credentialling that remains in use to this day. Finding fast and flexible ways to report mastery of skills that matter remains a challenging problem.  We are always chuffed, then, to see learners finding new ways…

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P2PU At Mozfest 2014 – All About The People  

Last month 4 P2Pu staffers (which, to be honest, is about 3/4 of our core team) converged on London, as part of Mozilla’s annual MozFest. Mozilla are old friends of ours, and longtime collaborators, and we’re always excited to see what happens at MozFest – one of the busiest (and buzziest) get-togethers in the open…

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Learning Creative Learning – How we Hacked the MOOC  

Back in spring 2013, P2PU undertook a giant experiment, along with collaborators at the Media Lab at MIT. The object of the experiment was to see if it was possible to hack a MOOC, and create meaningful mass learning experiences online. The result was Learning Creative Learning, which was a course, but also a community,…

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How to Levitate in 8 Short Weeks  

Just kidding. But…does it sound familiar? MOOCs and other learning platforms, including P2PU, brought online learning into the mainstream–which is fantastic, means that informal learning is gaining steam and garnering legitimacy. We love the fact that learning is happening outside institutional walls. However, the sensationalist marketing around online courses paints an inaccurate (and perhaps detrimental)…

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Imagine a world where the university is your local library  

While we love online learning, we recognize that for some it can be intimidating and impersonal. Not only are you learning a new topic, but you have to learn new tools and new ways to communicate. Online learning communities can have their own lingo and ways of interacting, just like any ‘real-world’ community.  For many…

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