It’s been quite a year at P2PU. This is what our community, partners and team got up to in 2014. Thank you to everyone who joined a course, shared ideas, gave us their opinions, ran a course, used our data, and generally helped us to remember why online learning communities are some of the most dynamic, respectful and exciting places on the Web.
We can’t wait until 2015…
January 2014
- We said goodbye to our ED, founder, and Boss of the Mustard Makers Philipp Schmidt. Well, not really goodbye – he’s now the most active volunteer we’ve ever had…
- Dave Cormier launched Rhizomatic Learning ‘14; a course which became a community, and which continues to thrive almost 12 months later.
February 2014
- We released a series of lab reports on the future of Assessment on the Web.
- Over 1,500 people joined our Deeper Learning MOOC, run in partnership with High Tech High, MIT Media Lab, and the Deeper Learning Community of Practice.
- School of Open and the OER HUB at the Open University release research on What is Open?
- Public Science project with NYU and GovLab is complete and P2PU is a consultancy!
April 2014
- We join forces with the Center for the Advanced Study of Communities and Information and the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, College Park to open up our very first data release.
- Our music remix project Play With Your Music version 2 launches – featuring core content donated by Peter Gabriel.
May 2014
- Chair of the Board, Founding P2PU member and Chief-of-Good-Times Delia Browne speaks about P2PU at Re:publica 2014.
- We join our good friends at Mozilla to launch Teach The Web – a series of hands-on learning experiences for teaching Web building.
- P2PU, Karen Fasimpaur, Educator Innovator, the National Writing Project, run the second iteration of the Connected Learning MOOC.
June 2014
- After 3 years, 220 community calls, 12 timezones, 4 continents and goodness-knows-how-many etherpads, we develop new ways of conversing with our community.
- We tackle the Big Questions of online learning in a series of Roundtable discussions, along with Khan Academy, and other friends.
July 2014
- P2PU was on the move! We went to Open Knowledge Fest and Europython in Berlin.
- We developed our zesty new CSS framework.
August 2014
- Along with College Unbound we launched Writing for Change – a writing course which makes a real difference.
- P2PU becomes a collective, horizontal, totally open organisation.
September 2014
- School of Open launches events in Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania.
October 2014
- We have a new look! gets a makeover, which reflects our new, open way of doing things.
- Developer Erika Pogorelc speaks at TedX Slovenia.
November 2014
- The long-awaited release of the Learning Creative Learning Lab Report.
- We went travelling again – this time to London for Mozfest and a team meeting.
- Launch of our Course In A Box – an experiment of using GitHub pages for courses.
- We sent Vanessa to OpenEd 2014, to talk about the Bleeding Edge of Open
- And then she went to the White House, to discuss the future of education.
We’re pretty knackered. It’s been quite a year for our small team. Thank you all!
And since we can’t keep still for too long, here’s a sneak peek at what we’ve got in store for early 2015…
- The official release of Course in a Box
- A Playful Data course
- InventFest with littlebits
- Hyperlocal education experiment with University of Maryland
See you all in the New Year!