Across The Line!  

P2PU and School of Open are delighted to announce that our latest iteration of Copyright 4 Educators Australia has just finished, and with almost 100% retention rate. Over 50 people joined the course, and only 4 dropped out. For those of you who might be wondering what all the fuss is about – this kind of…

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Hit the Road Map!  

Join the School of Open (Creative Commons & P2PU), the Open Knowledge Foundation, and FLOSS Manuals Foundation for a fun evening to connect with your peers in the open education space! We’re going to be hanging out in London on October 24th, to build something wonderful… So many efforts exist to “open” up education around the world….

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Help P2PU School of Open go to the Mozilla Festival in October!  

This is just a quick note to say that several School of Open community members in collaboration with extended communities from Mozilla, Wikimedia, the Open Knowledge Foundation and more are currently pitching the following sessions for the 2013 Mozilla Festival. Help get them on the Festival schedule by voting up the ones you like (or…

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What’s New at P2PU – July 2013  

Welcome to this month’s roundup of everything that has happened in the P2PUniverse. We’ve stripped down our newsletter so that we can cram more info in for you. We hope you like it… Course News: Sign-up for School Of Open courses is still open for another week. But you’ll need to hurry. All 7 courses…

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P2PU Needs You To Help Us Spend Some Money!  

Are you a P2PU community member (or member-to-be) with an interest in Google Adwords and Google Analytics? If so, we want you! And we think you might want us back… See, we need your help to spend some money on Google Adwords. You’ll be able to design and implement a Google Adwords campaign with a…

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Three updates to make your life easier!  

We would like to highlight 3 actions that just got easier on P2PU! Want to leave a comment on a course? Just head over to the discussion tab and have your say! You only need to be logged in to P2PU, no need to register with disqus before you can comment! Would you like to…

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School of Open, Rrround 2! Sign-up is now open  

Miss Boyer’s Kindergarten Class, 1917 UA Archives | Upper Arlington History / No known copyright restrictions The School of Open is offering its second round of facilitated courses! Starting today, you can sign up for 7 courses during a two week period; sign-up closes 4 August (Sunday) and courses start on or after 5 August…

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Badges in the Bronx: P2PU + Youth Voices  

P2PU took peer learning up to the Bronx this past Tuesday when I was invited to give a workshop on Badges to a classroom of high school writers. These intrepid folks were part of the Youth Voices Summer Program, a project sponsored by the National Writing Project and headed up by the very stellar Paul Allison. Youth…

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