What’s New at P2PU – July 2013


Welcome to this month’s roundup of everything that has happened in the P2PUniverse. We’ve stripped down our newsletter so that we can cram more info in for you. We hope you like it…

Course News:

Sign-up for School Of Open courses is still open for another week. But you’ll need to hurry. All 7 courses are filling up fast.  Sign-up closes 4 August(Sunday) and courses start on or after 5 August (Monday). All courses are free to take and open to reuse under the CC BY-SA license. This round, you can take your pick of the following courses:

1. Copyright 4 Educators (AUS) (7 weeks)
2. Copyright 4 Educators (US) (6 weeks)
3. Creative Commons for K-12 Educators
4. Designing Collaborative Workshops (4 weeks)
5. Writing Wikipedia Articles: The Basics and Beyond (6 weeks)
6. Open Science: An Introduction (4 weeks)
7. Why Open? (3 weeks) 

Badge News:

P2PU badges and the people who make them are, quite simply, the best people we know. We currently have over 70 badges up on badges and you can now get recognition for just about anything; from flexing your poetic pecs, to understanding open science. Even more excitingly, our latest updates make it even easier to share your badges anywhere on the web, and to add a badge to your existing P2PU course. We’re so happy, we’re dancing.

Community News:

We have two particularly exciting bits of community news today:

  • We’ve just added 3 updates to p2pu.org which make it easier to get the learning done. Have a look at Dirk’s post about how we’ve simplified commenting, managing notifications and cloning courses that you may have run before.
  • We’re looking for help with our Google Adwords, and we hope you can help. We’re looking for help  to design and implement a Google Adwords campaign with a significant budget for P2PU. Drop us a line: thepeople [at] p2pu.org for more details.  

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