Did You Cut Your Hair…? P2PU has a new look!

pic by kiyanwang on Flickr

pic by kiyanwang on Flickr

You may have noticed things are looking a little different over at p2pu.org. Slicker, smarter, and a lot more open. Like it? We certainly do.

But this is about much more than a new coat of paint. You told us that you wanted to be able to see what people are doing. So we’ve made it much easier for you to see what is going on at P2PU – call it a window into the heart of the activity. Now you can see what people have been learning, building and talking about, right from the front page.  It’s easier to join the wider conversation about what is going on at P2PU: just use the “Join the discussion” link on the Community page:



You also told us that you’re a busy bunch of people – sitting at a desk is so 2010. So we’ve updated the responsive design, and now you can use p2pu.org from phones, tablets, laptops, the ancient desktop you’re reduced to using at your parents’ house, and anywhere else where you might want to do some learning.


We’ve also made a lot more content available. Interested in who we are? Want to read one of our Lab Reports? Feel like sending us an email? All this, and more, are just a dropdown away:


Of course, this didn’t happen by magic.  Erika, our developer-superstar-design-queen has been coding, tweaking, listening (and only occasionally telling us off) for the last few weeks, and this wonderful new look and improved functionality is all thanks to her.

We’re going to be building this new design into all the pages on the site, which means that the top navigation is going to be changing, and course pages will see some new features too, like better-looking backgrounds and buttons. We promise to keep you posted on when this will happen, and will do our very best not to mess with your learning mojo. With any luck, you will barely notice the difference, but it will feel better.

Also, we want your feedback! Keep it coming on the Discourse forum  and let us know what you like, what you don’t like, what works, and what looks weird.

In the meantime, enjoy, and keep learning!





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