P2PU.org – New Direction, New Look  

2014 has been a year of evolution for P2PU, and, like a caterpillar emerging from a cocoon, we’ve changed our look too. And because beauty is not just skin deep, we’d like to give you a bit of a tour around the spectacular butterfly that is the new p2pu.org   Our changes aren’t just superficial….

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Writing For Change: Pre-Course Survey  

Are you participating in Peer to Peer University’s (P2PU) Writing for Change course? Did you recently complete a pre-course survey? Curious as to what the survey was about or what the findings were? Well, read on! First, the survey was conducted by the OER Research Hub in collaboration with P2PU. Who are the OER Research Hub? Well,…

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Why A Shaped Web Would Be Bad for Education  

  This week, P2PU and the School of Open (along with thousands of other non-profits, start-ups, and even porn sites) submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission in the United States  on the matter of net neutrality. We thought you might like to see a bit of what we told them: Current proposals would mean a…

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Help Write a Children’s Book Online at P2PU  

This is a guest post from  Ioana Literat, a PhD candidate at USC Annenberg who is facilitating an amazing writing course on P2PU. Hi. I’m writing to introduce a new P2PU course that I am facilitating, Crowdsourced Art: A Participatory Exercise in Collaboration and Collective Creativity. This initiative was born out of my belief that creativity…

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Learning Resource Metadata and P2PU  

P2Pu has been working with the LRMI (Learning Resource Metadata Initiative) project for some time, to help make online OERs more discoverable. We’re proud to be profiled in a case study by LRMI’s Lorna Campbell. A lot of projects whose OER work we admire have been part of this initiative, and we’re tickled pink to…

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Retention – Why MOOC providers can’t have it both ways  

This is a repost from Philipp Schmidt’s sharingnicely blog  MOOC antagonists have long used the dismal completion numbers as a sign that MOOCs don’t work. MOOC providers have countered that retention is an outdated concept that shouldn’t be applied to online courses. Neither are right. Why we should not care about retention: Retention is a very…

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Better Learning Analytics: Lessons from EdX, Hack Education, Mozilla + P2PU  

    Yesterday, Audrey Watters of Hack Education,  Andrew Sliwinski at Mozilla Foundation, Justin Reich of HarvardX and Berkman Center, Vanessa Gennarelli of P2PU came together to discuss the current obsession with the field of learning analytics.  Check out the conversation here as we cover: Whether learning analytics are a new field What sorts of data can be collected (engagement versus comprehension/recall) Difficulties in acquiring/sharing reliable…

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Join Us to Talk Learning Analytics With Audrey Watters, Justin Reich and Andrew Sliwinski: 8/19 at 12 pm EST  

Big data, big problems.  We all want to help learners be successful. What “success” means and how we measure it means different things depending on your point of view. Additionally, issues of privacy and security haunt the conversation. Joinus to hear how we think about this emerging field. Join our crew:  Audrey Watters of Hack Education,  Andrew Sliwinski at Mozilla…

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How P2PU Became a Totally Open Org  

  About six months ago we put out a search for a new Executive Director. Our ED Philipp Schmidt, took a position at the MIT Media Lab, which required transitioning from  a hands-on ED to a more advisory (although no less involved) role. In theory, Executive Directors oversee fundraising and set the agenda of the…

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