Creative Commons launches School of Open events in Tanzania and Nigeria

Last week, the School of Open launched events in Tanzania and Nigeria in conjunction with Mozilla Maker Party.

SOO AfricaV2
(SOO logo here. Earth icon licensed CC BY by Erin Standley from the Noun Project.)

In Tanzania, CC Tanzania hosted a creative event for kids at the Open University of Tanzania, the first university in the region to offer open and distant learning programs. Kids used the Internet and open educational resources to create animations.  The event marked the launch of three training programs around ICT empowerment training for unemployed youth, teaching persons with disabilities how to use computers, and training educators on using ICT to improve how they teach their students.

In Nigeria, CC Nigeria  hosted a web building skills event for the public at the Nigerian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies at the University of Lagos. Anyone was able to join and learn how to build the web and share creative works through Mozilla and CC tools.  The event also marks the launch of a five-week training program around Nigerian copyright and Linux Operating System. During the opening ceremony, SOO Nigeria’s facilitators, partners and supporters met and set expectations for program participants. See the School of Open Nigeria page for more details. You can follow SOO Nigeria on Facebook and Twitter, using the hashtags #SOOAfrica and #MakerParty.

School of Open launch events are also set to occur in Kenya and South Africa — stay tuned! (Read more about their plans here.)

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