Posts Categorized: General

Taking a fresh look at our strategy

P2PU is working on a strategy refresh and we would like to hear from you. Peer learning and community remain at the forefront of our work  and we want to make sure that our community is a part of this strategy refresh.  There are three ways for you to get  involved and make sure your voice…

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New feature: Course lists

We are excited to announce the availability of course lists for teams!  We created course lists specifically for teams to make it easier for new and existing facilitators to find relevant courses when creating learning circles. Now, team organizers have the ability to curate a selection of courses that will be recommended to facilitators when…

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Happy New Year! 🎉

Hi friends of P2PU! 👋 We have a few announcements to ring in the new year. Thank you for staying connected with us and cheers to another year of continued learning! Happy New Year! 🎉 Impact report We are announcing the completion of our impact report detailing the significant work from 2018-2023. 📄Our impact report…

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P2PU Newsletter – November 2023

In this newsletter 🌪️ The year has sped past and so much has happened. We saw a deluge of volunteer facilitated learning circles in Pittsburg (way to go 👍)! We said goodbye to Lydian and Grif (cue the sad emojis 😭). And we launched the learner dashboard 🚀. As some of you gear up for…

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Over the last 2 months I [Q] have taken on the new role of Interim Executive Director of Peer 2 Peer University which is exciting and a little scary. I have always enjoyed learning and I believe that if people could learn more they could do more and be empowered to make meaningful changes to…

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A new learning circle dashboard for learners

As part of our work with College Unbound (CU), we are introducing a dashboard for learners. The purpose of the dashboard is to create a persistent place where learners can access learning circle information and functionality online. We hope to improve the dashboard and make it simpler for participants to convert their learning circle participation…

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July Newsletter

Hi, friends of P2PU! We’ve loved seeing the new learning circles cropping up this summer. Have any questions, suggestions, or victories to share? Let us know at – we’re always glad to hear from you. 👋 The P2PU Team Farewell Party on August 10th! Grif and Lydian are moving on to new positions! We’re thankful to…

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June 2023: Digital Inclusion Training for Facilitators, New Open Courses, and More!

Hi, friends of P2PU! We’re hosting a training for facilitators focused on digital inclusion on July 19th! (RSVP) This event is for anyone interested in facilitating learning circles focused on digital literacy, financial literacy, and other important skills in their communities. We’ve also been working on: 🌱 Leading sustainability-focused initiatives with facilitators in Denmark💬 Adding new communication features to…

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