Open Learning Webinar – the proof!  

Last week, as part of the events taking place all over the world on celebration of Open Ed Week, Karen Fasimpaur from the School of Ed hosted a webinar all about peer learning and P2PU.  Vanessa (Genarelli, the Leading Light of Learning) and Jane (Park, School of Open wrangler extraodinaire) were there too. In case…

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Welcome to the School of Open, Class of 2013  

Happy Open Education Week! We are happy to announce that the School of Open community has launched its first set of courses… The Library of Congress / No known copyright restrictions Sign up for these facilitated courses this week (sign-up will remain open through Sunday, March 17). These courses will start the week of March…

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What P2PU can learn from teenage girls…  

The Technovation Challenge on P2PU is a project run by of Iridescent  (a US-based non-profit) that brings together scientists, entrepreneurs, engineers, and teachers. The challenge equips girls to become technologically literate, and gives them the skills they need to be  able to initiate and lead disruptive innovations. Girls in this challenge are learning how to build mobile apps….

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School of Open will launch during Open Education Week  

As promised, the School of Open is launching its first set of courses during Open Education Week, March 11-15, 2013. This means that all facilitated courses will open for sign-up that week, and all stand-alone courses will be ready to take then or anytime thereafter. The School of Open is a community of volunteers developing…

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It’s Video Wednesday…  

We’re totally overwhelmed with all the great new videos coming out of our community at the moment. You guys are just astounding. And while it may be a bit to take in all at once, we thought it would be good to share them. So grab some popcorn, shut the door, hunker down, and spend…

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Calling All MOOCsters  

Are you embedded in a P2PU MOOC? Are you learning Python (gently) or thinking about Creative Learning? If so, we want your stories! This is your chance to hone your frontline reporting skills and tell us what it’s like to be in the depths of the MOOC experience. Have you learnt new things? Made new…

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Innovation and The Freedom to Break Things  

[Crossposting here from the Media Lab Director’s Fellows blog] This week we launched the Learning Creative Learning course with 24,000 participants. One one hand, I am thrilled that we have such a large audience, and especially that they come from all over the world. On the other hand, having so many participants makes experimentation much harder. The…

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