Propose A Project

Updated (July 2014): This is old P2PU content. If you want to suggest a project idea, please join the discussion on our community forum.

We love to help new ideas grow. Tell us about yours!

How we support projects

The P2PU community supports projects in many different ways, depending on each project’s needs, including:

  1. Give feedback to help you refine your project as it evolves. You’ll find a strong community of support on our community list that is eager to help and packed full of knowledge and skills we love to share- including, but definitely not limited to:
      • tech design and development
      • instructional and educational content design
      • event planning and facilitation
      • legal and copyright advice
      • etc.
  2. Offer a mechanism to scale ideas and experiments that work.
  3. Promote your project, and help you find collaborators
  4. In some limited cases, P2PU is able to offer financial, legal, administrative, or other types of nuts-and-bolts support.

Start a Project

Projects need a driver, someone who takes responsibility for making them happen. If you are passionate about an idea, the best way to get started is write a couple blog posts about it, build a mock-up or draw a concept, and share it with the community list for feedback.

Make it a P2PU Project

Once you’ve had a chance to test-drive the idea with a few people, you’ve written a series of blog posts about it, and people are starting to get interested in contributing – it might be a good time to list it as an official (tongue in cheek) P2PU project. That way you’ll more exposure and people who want to get involved know how they can contact you. Fill out the form below and we’ll follow up by email.

6 Responses to “Propose A Project”

  1. James McLaughlin

    I am A+, Security+, MCP,MSCA,MSCE,CCNET,CCNA,JUNIOS-ER,VCP I have built a datacenter from rack and stack at a medical facility and worked a lot with vmware and Citrix xen-motion. I have always wanted to learn how to program. Please let me join in with a group I have recently become permantley disabled and I am a veteran and I want to if I can’t now fill some parts of my bucket list then I can fill parts of it and that is to learn how to program. I love working with people I know all the hardware side of of things and I can reverse engineer and it would be my honor to joina team on a project please give me a chance my name is James McLaughlin and I went from making 70-80,000 dollars a year to 16,000 a year and I am only 43 and I have a six year old daughter that I have joint custody of. I own my own company but I am not allowed to make more than 750.00 dollars a month or they will take away the benefits that I do have. My name is James McLaughlin and I can be reached at I hope someone picks me up?

  2. BreinSofTech54

    The accuracy standards are intended to ensure that an evaluation will reveal and convey technically adequate information about the features that determine worth or merit of the program being evaluated.The propriety standards are intended to ensure that an evaluation will be conducted legally, ethically, and with due regard for the welfare of those involved in the evaluation, as well as those affected by its results.

  3. Emily Bentley

    When it enforcement agencies officials well we find ourselves find Tektronix power province and giving them to a letter


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