Peer Learning done face to face  

    Learning Circles are facilitated study groups for learners who want to complete online courses together, in-person. Learning Circles are: free peer-supported facilitated by a non-content expert designed to be taken with few prerequisites hosted in a publicly-accessible space Why Learning Circles? There are a wealth of high-quality, free, online courses out there. And…

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Online learning goes to the library  

We believe that learning is better when it brings people together. Peer learning offers all learners the opportunity to be exposed to new perspectives, develop useful social skills, and achieve something greater than they could have on their own.  There are a wealth of high-quality, free, online courses out there for anyone to use and…

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Learning, right out of the box…  

Or, How to P2PU Idea + Course = Course Builder for All For a while, we’ve noticed that our partners and community were asking for a course that would teach them how to build a P2PU-style course, right out of the box, which could be opened up and was full of all the peer-learning, community-supported,…

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In Chicago? Then Join Our Study Groups for Online Courses  

We’ve partnered up with Chicago Public Library to host study groups to support learners who want to complete online courses together, in-person at the library. Each course teaches you a new skill, but even more exciting is the chance to join with other people from your community and learn something new together in the library….

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Study Python Programming – with a Community!  

Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a website, write a mobile app or create a computer game (in addition to a lot of dedication and time…) We can show you! P2PU is about to launch the 6th iteration of “A Gentle Introduction to Python” on the 1st of May, and this free 6…

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Hello Grif!  

See the preceeding goodbye post from our former learning lead Vanessa, before reading this hello post from new learning lead, Grif Peterson… Thank you for passing along the learning torch Vanessa – I humbly accept. I’m lucky to have had a month to overlap with you, and am grateful to your commitment to lend an…

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Goodbye Vanessa…Hello Grif!  

Vanessa, your friendly Learning Lead here. Sad to say that after three years of edupunkery and learning lovebombs, I’m moving on from P2PU. The past few years have been an embarrassment of riches, and I thank the open community for changing the way I look at the world. Originally I came to P2PU in 2011…

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Know Chicago? Know community? We want you!  

Role Description Peer 2 Peer University and Chicago Public Library seek a Community Organizer to connect two local Chicago neighborhoods with learning programs at their local branch library. This position has three primary goals: ● Recruit, mentor, and support learners from local Chicago communities who might benefit from access to online course study groups. ● Advocate for community…

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Join us for a Spanish-language course on the Open Web  

Scroll down for the Spanish version of this announcement /Desplácese hacia abajo para la versión española de este anuncio   P2PU is proud to announce a collaboration with the The International team at Public Knowledge, to launch a free and open Spanish-language online course called “Open Internet,” and we’re calling for participants. The course will consist…

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#InventAnything with littleBits & P2PU  

P2PU is joining forces with littleBits to bring you a course where you will learn how to invent anything using littleBits electronic modules and P2PU-designed courseware. The course is free, online, and open to anyone who wants to participate. It is peer-powered by P2PU, and you can follow the five week curriculum starting on February…

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