Assessment on the Web – Part 1  

How to handle assessment for online learning has been a a headache for many of us working in the ed-tech space since the very first OERs first rolled off the production line. The fact that very few education people have managed to find a solution which sits well for most people only makes it all…

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Reimagining Education at #EduCon Philadelphia  

Meenoo Rami invited me to come and speak at EduCon and while I am by no means an expert on school reform or teacher professional development (and made that clear to Meenoo before accepting the invitation) I ended up finding a lot of connection points between the questions raised and challenges discussed at the conference,…

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#Rhizo14’s Secret Sauce: Unraveling Learning on the Web  

Quick Friday post on how things are progressing in the “Rhizomatic Learning” course on, brought to you by the edupunk sparkplug Dave Cormier. With the proliferation of learning platforms on the web and abundance of resources, Dave envisioned a course where the “community is the curriculum.” Rhizomatic learning asks us to rethink our assumptions…

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Mindsets and Motivation: 2014, Start Your Engines  

The Motivation Landscape. In the wake of Badges, the spectre of behaviorism, and the proliferation of learning platforms on the web, how are we as practitioners and researchers to move forward in light of what we’ve learned? How have recent discussions about motivation, growth mindsets, and malleable intelligence affect how we design for learning? What’s…

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How we Used the Echo Nest API for Engagement & Learning  

For our Music MOOC Play With Your Music (PWYM) 5282 folks signed up to learn together. We wanted to put them in groups based on their musical taste hoping to improve group cohesion and collaboration. We decided to use The Echo Nest since they have an API that helps with doing just that! The Echo Nest…

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Rhizomatic Learning at P2PU  

We’re delighted (and more than a little dazzled) to announce that Dave Cormier will be running a course on Rhizomatic Learning at P2PU starting this month. Not sure what Rhizomatic Learning is? Then this is the course for you, of course… In a nutshell though – Rhizomatic learning is a story of how we can learn…

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Good people of P2PU, I thank you!  

Philipp here. I am taking a position at the MIT Media Lab and am joining the P2PU board. Which means I have to step down as Executive Director of P2PU. There, I said it. Read on for the details.   Last year I relocated from Cape Town to Boston to spend a year at the…

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