How We’re Bridging Online/Offline Authentic Learning: Adam Bush of College Unbound  

This blog post comes to you from Adam Bush, the freshest addition to the P2PU Crew. He’s the founding Director of Curriculum of College Unbound: a college degree program in Providence, RI working to contend with retention rates for first generation college students by equally incorporating voices outside of the academy in the teaching and evaluation of its…

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Badges @P2PU: An update and thoughts…  

  A lot is happening in the badges space, and while it’s not clear what the next steps are for P2PU, we thought it would be good to share our thinking about these development. The Badge Alliance is a new organization that was spun out of Mozilla and is stewarding the badges ecosystem. Philipp is…

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How Do We Bridge the Digital and the Physical? Lessons from, P2PU Khan and NYU Crew  

Today we approached the second installment on questions of scale in our series “The Big Questions” with Nathan Maton, Community Strategist at the Khan Academy, Terry Heick, Director at TeachThought, Andrew Sliwinski, Senior Educational Technologist at Mozilla Foundation, and Alex Ruthmann, Associate Professor at NYU. Take a look as we tackle: – Context setting: is…

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How to teach big skills without being scared by them…  

When it comes to online learning, does it matter what you teach, or is the methodology the interesting bit? Should learning experiences be designed in the same way, whether you’re teaching plumbing or physics, and whether you’re teaching it to highschool kids or Baby Boomers? These were the questions we found ourselves thinking about after…

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How To Support Self-Directed Learners: Lessons from P2PU, Khan, NYU &  

This morning Nathan Maton from the Khan Academy, Alex Ruthmann from NYU and Andrew Sliwinski, co-founder at and yours truly came together to discuss scale in online learning and how to support self-directed learners. Our focus for these chats is to learn from each other, so we ended up sharing pointers, tips and experiences from our respective communities. Watch the video (we…

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Join Us to Tackle the “Big” Questions: Tues 11am EST  

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be hosting a series of roundtable discussions on the “Big” Questions: Scale in Online Learning with Nathan Maton from the Khan Academy. This week we’ll be talking about self-directed learners–how to orient them, support them, and help them find the right people. Our guests are TeachThought‘s Terry Heick, our…

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