Posts Tagged: open education

Online learning at the library

The P2PU learning circle project began with the belief that there are tons of good online courses out there, and that we just need to better curate and frame these resources if we want more people to gain meaningful access. Three years into the project, we feel that this belief is only partially true and that, in…

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Step Into Our Lab: What Have Our Researchers Found?

We’ve launched several experiments in the future of learning–several iterations of Badges, scalable experiences like the Mechanical MOOC, and itself. On the flipside of these exciting initiatives, we’ve been working with researchers to unearth trends and successes amongst these projects. As we consider our policy to release our data to researchers, we wanted to…

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Get Feedback on a Project You Love: P2PU Launches a New Version of Badges

As Grantees of the Digital Media and Learning Competition, Peer 2 Peer University has created a platform for anyone who wants to make and issue Badges. We launched at the DML Conference in Chicago last week to an amazing response. Folks were very receptive to our project-based and feedback-driven approach. Here’s a bit of a walkthrough…

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Open.Michigan leads real world School of Open class

Victoria Lungu Leading a School of Open Challenge / Open.Michigan / CC BY Last Friday, Open.Michigan helped a group of students get Creative Commons savvy in an offline version of the School of Open’s “Get CC Savvy” challenge, a course originally designed for independent online learners. For those yet unaware, the School of Open is…

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Day 1 of School of Open in Berlin

Building the School of Open. It’s a multimedia installation. Materials: post it notes, old refrigerator. / mollyali / CC BY What did we do today? Logistics and Agora community For one thing, we got Molly and Piet set up with all the logistics — lunch cards, $ for the U-bahn (Berlin metro system), wifi at…

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The machine that runs P2PU – Update

We have been busy building “the machine” that runs P2PU. The roadmap for School of Webcraft that we posted a few weeks ago shows what we plan to achieve over the course of 2011, but there is a lot of plumbing and wiring that we are putting in place to support these plans, not just…

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P2PU Submission to Open Ed 2010 Barcelona

We just submitted the following proposal to the Open Ed 2010 conference (submission deadline is tomorrow). P2PU and OpenEd go way back, and the conference has a very special place in our heart. In 2008, we ran a workshop on P2PU (run by Joel, Stian and myself – and John Britton who came on board…

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