Learning Circles Toolkit: Online Learning, Offline  

P2PU is proud to launch a toolkit designed to allow anyone to run their own Learning Circles: lightly ­facilitated study groups for learners who want to take online courses together in a public library or other community space. In Spring and Fall 2015, P2PU and Chicago Public Library ran 17 Learning Circles in library branches…

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Presenting: ExplOERer – a Course on How to Create OERs  

P2PU is super-proud to be partnering with six European institutions, under the Erasmus+ programme to present a course which will teach users to search, build and use their own Open Educational Resources. And in 3 different languages too! Learning to (Re)-Use Open Educational Resources is an online course which has been developed by a consortium…

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P2PU Featured in 2016 U.S. Department of Education National Ed Tech Plan  

    P2PU and Chicago Public Library’s Learning Circles Project are featured in the recently released 2016 U.S. Department of Education National Education Technology Plan, the flagship educational technology policy document of the United States. Examples of organisations using technology to transform learning were drawn from expert interviews, stakeholder focus groups, and recommendations from education leaders across the country….

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“We Became Friends” – Why Face-To-Face Learning Matters  

As our latest round of Learning Circles at Chicago Public Library wrapped last month, we’ve been busy synthesizing the feedback from learners and facilitators, to find out what participating in a Circle has meant for everyone involved. And while we know that learning in groups is good learning theory, we didn’t expect Learning Circles to…

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Watch out MozFest – we’re coming at ya…  

The countdown to MozFest 2015 has begun, and we’re hopping with excitement. 3/4 of the P2PU crew will be there, running a pathway on how to learn face-to-face in public spaces, using online content. We’re also delighted that Mark Andersen, our friend and collaborator at the Chicago Public Library will be there too. Mark has…

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Learning Circles Round II launch in Chicago  

We’re delighted to announce the next round of Learning Circles – face-to-face study groups for people who want to work together through online content. And this time, we’ve gone big – we’re running Circles in 12 branches of the Chicago Public Library. After the success of our pilot round in the Spring, and with the…

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First, we take Chicago…  

The P2PU team have just come back from Chicago. And boy oh boy did we have fun… We try to all meet up at least once a year, and 2015 was no different, so we decided to go to Chicago, since it’s a city we’ve come to love over the last few months. Our Learning…

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P2PU the Face2Face Way  

As many of you know, in spring 2015 we ran an altered version of our very successful project “Mechanical MOOC”.  At the heart of this MOOC we offered a course titled  A Gentle Introduction to Python. It is a six week course offering exercises and learning materials from MIT OCW’s course combined with Codecademy exercises…

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Graduation Day for Learning Circles!  

The week marks the end of the first round of Learning Circles, and we’re delighted to announce that it is graduation week for the first-ever cohort of  participants. For the last 6 weeks, P2PU and Chicago Public Library have been running Learning Circles, where participants meet face-to-face in libraries to work through online courses together,…

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Roundtable on Learning Circles – June 12th  

We’re reaching the end of our first round of Learning Circles, the face-to-face learning experiences which we have been running with our brilliant partners at the Chicago Public Library for the past six weeks. We’ve learnt a lot, and are excited to  share our experiences with you all. We’ll be discussing what happens in a Circle,…

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