Step Into Our Lab: What Have Our Researchers Found?  

We’ve launched several experiments in the future of learning–several iterations of Badges, scalable experiences like the Mechanical MOOC, and itself. On the flipside of these exciting initiatives, we’ve been working with researchers to unearth trends and successes amongst these projects. As we consider our policy to release our data to researchers, we wanted to…

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Happy Release Day! We are OBI Compliant, Folks.  

Maybe you saw this outside your window this morning: That was our release on 🙂 Big stuff for P2PU this week, including the much-anticipated very-exciting stellar and celebratory news…  You can now push Badges to the Mozilla Open Badges Backpack. If you’ve earned a Badge on, log into your account and view “My…

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We Won!  

  P2PU is over the moon and tickled pink to be able to announce that we are one of the winners of the Open CourseWare Consortium’s 2013 Site Awards for OpenCourseWare Excellence (ACE).  Along with Notre Dame OpenCourseWare and  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya OCW,  P2PU has been named as the recipient of the Technical Innovation Award for…

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At the Cockpit: How the Data Explorer Mission Works  

We provide multiple pathways to learning here at P2PU–if visual is your thing, here’s the walkthrough of Data Explorer Missions on our Community Call (start around minute 19:00): Last year Peer 2 Peer University and the Open Knowledge Foundation launched an initiative to to meet the global demand for data-wrangling skills–enter the School of Data….

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No getting lost in translation here…  

If you haven’t noticed anything different yet, we pushed out a new release of lernanta on today! The first mayor change is that a few heroes contributed new translations and updated existing ones! You can now read and use P2PU in English, Korean, Swedish, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch and Hebrew translations. We also updated the…

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The Accessible P2PU Course  

Nothing is more frustrating than being asked to read a poorly scanned in document. Whether the text is way too small or barely visible or crooked on the page, sometimes it’s just impossible to really enjoy the reading experience. I can manage, but what about those who can’t? P2PU friends, this post takes a rather…

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Travel & Learning  

This is a great moment to think carefully about the purpose of the university. Especially for those who are associated with it. But then, we (they?) have been told this before. And we might be tempted to wait and see if the recent developments in online learning are yet another storm in a water-glass,  which will…

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