
P2PU is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organisation in California. But that’s just the legal side of things. We are a community – check out the About page to find out how we work and the People page about who we are.

Support and Funding

P2PU is made possible by a global network of exceptional people and organizations. It has allowed us to open the web up to the most effective kind of learning – peer to peer learning.

Our gratitude goes to:


P2PU is also lucky and proud to have had a group of wise and wonderful advisors who have given their time to act as a sounding board, and help us navigate any thorny, difficult (and interesting) issues. They bring a diverse mix of backgrounds and expertise, and we appreciate that they have offered to help us make the P2PU real. All Advisers act in their personal capacity. The Advisers carry no responsibility for the content of this site or the activities of the P2PU.

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