Posts Categorized: Berlin Residency

The P2PU Guide to Running a Pop-up Office

The first of our P2PU Lab Reports is out, and we couldn’t be more proud! Part of doing experiments in working, learning and teaching means finding a way of letting people know what you have discovered, and this guide to running a pop-up office, P2PU style, is based on our experience with the Berlin office…

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What Chloe Did In Berlin

Chloe Varelidi used to to be the Challenge Designer in Chief at P2PU. Now she works with our good friends at the Mozilla Foundation, but, like all ex-P2PUers, she just can’t stay away. Or maybe we keep pulling her back… Either way, she joined us for a week in Berlin, and organised a great Hack…

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Hard Thinking

You may have noticed that we’ve been a little bit quiet over the last couple of days. It’s not becuase we’re off enjoying all the delights of Berlin (we’ve been doing that too…) but because we’ve been delving into some hard thinking here at the P2PU Popup Office. After 3 weeks of “doing” – building, coding, writing,…

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More progress on the School of Open!

School of Open is moving along nicely. By the end of last week we had: ++ written up a nice purpose/scope/values document; ++ created a set of guidelines for contributing to the School; ++ structured a virtual sprint (happening tomorrow) to build components of the School; ++ tried/failed to make a skills map; ++ created a guide on the CC wiki…

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Standup from Berlin – 23 July 2012

With thanks to Molly for scribe duties… Jane Last week we prepared for the digital sprint, and we created a draft set of guidelines for what goes in and out of the School of Open, along with a draft philosophy. This week we have a workshop on Thursday and the digital sprint tomorrow. Today we’re…

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(Berlin) Stand Up – 20 July 2012

Phil Yesterday: design discussions with Alex, Talked with Vanessa about platform, talked to Mozilla, talked to Hewlett foundation about MOOCs, etc. Today: metrics (head down) and Academy for International Cooperation is visiting. Becca Yesterday: great community call yesterday, banking, helpdesk, newsletter. Today: finish newsletter stuff. Dirk Yesterday: improving rough edges of courses, first helpdesk day. Today: API and…

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