Well, what can I say? Hello! This is me!
I joined P2PU as the Community Lead, and fitting with my colleagues’ fun and clever titles, I declare myself Town Crier (although Community Whisperer was a close second). My focus will be coordinating the learning circle program, with some big help from the Knight Foundation. We’ll be working with 10 cities with 10 different library branches running 100 learning circles total – how cool is that! So how can I host and support a community of educators from across the world, mostly online, as they delve into a new type of blended learning amazingness? I’ve got a few ideas, but thanks in advance for your help (pssst…share a thought on our community forum).
How did I get into this mess? I guess I’ve gravitated to spaces and people that don’t quite fit the idea of what a learning “should” look like. The neighborhood makerspace? Find me there! Intergenerational story-telling on the street? Selfie time! Drooling over “the Future of the Library” articles…Guilty! And my Google Alert? “Lifelong Learning” “Canada”.
Yes, Canada! I live in Canada’s national capital, Ottawa (say hi if you’re in town!), and although I grew up in the Maritimes, I am a dual citizen of both USA and Canada – which is pretty convenient as I find ways to support learning circles taking shape in the Great White North.
I think what gets me most jazzed about this work is P2PU’s commitment to community-based education. I believe that for truly transformational change, you must start with people’s experience, and work with where they are at. With a little encouragement and some excellent snacks, small groups of people can (learn to) change the world for good. Lao Tzu says it best.
Okay! That’s me for now. Expect more soon. Feel free to follow along at @nicokoenig or read a bit more about my previous work at nicokoenig.com