What’s Writing 4 Change?
Peer 2 Peer University has teamed up with College Unbound to offer an 8-week course on Writing for Change. The goal of the course is to help learners accomplish social change through writing effective and compelling op-eds, grant applications and project proposals. This course is for anyone who needs to write in order to accomplish social good in their communities.
By the end of the course, participants will have a finished project that has been polished and reviewed by like-minded fellow learners. Featured writers include Sarah Mirk of Bitch Media, Alexandrina Agloro of the University of Southern California and more.
Both P2PU and College Unbound believe that opening access to learning means more than just opening the door. It includes making subjects relevant to learner’s lives, creating safe environments and trusting your peers. Both organizations are working to thoughtfully reconsider the university–in terms of inclusion, diversity, community and projects.
Nuts and Bolts
The goal of the course is to bring about social change in an area that is personally important to every learner. Each week will have a reading component and a writing component.
The P2PU method of social learning design will be an integral part of the course. Initially learners will come together via an online community around the issues they are passionate about, then later they’ll work with folks who have a similar projects.
Sounds Great, Where Do I Sign Up?
Interested participants can get started here: http://writing4change.p2pu.org/