All things change at some point or another. And this week, one of the great constants in our topsy-turvey world has shifted. Hold on to your seats, good people of the open web:
P2PU community call has shifted from Thursdays to Tuesdays.
But before you freak about too much change – the call still happens at the same time – 11AM EST / 4PM GMT / 5PM Central European Time.
We’ll still be using the same tools – Google Hangout (via our G+ page) and etherpads.
You can still find out what’s happening via the P2PU Twitter feed.
It’s just the day that has shifted. Tuesdays are the new Thursdays.
We calculated that since P2PU was born in 2009, we have had over 220 community calls.
That’s 220 hours of speaking time, across 12 time zones and 4 continents. It’s 220 separate etherpads, 220 individual calls, countless emails, and endless lines of notes, reminders and comments. We think it’s wonderful. So wonderful, we wanted to share this song with you. Change is good.