


Q: What do you call a dinosaur that smashes everything in its path? 
A: A Tyrannosaurus Wrecks!

Okay, so our dinosaur jokes may not be up to much. But our community certainly knows their Triassic from their Cretaceous critters. These beautiful beasts have been created by P2PU participants in one of the most popular courses on p2pu.org;  The Hackasaurus Challenges set.  This course was developed together  with our good friends at Mozilla in the School of Webcraft, has over 200 participants and gets bigger every week.

Mozilla is developing curriculum, badges, and software to help people learn webmaking skills through making.  Hackasaurus is an open source toolkit that helps students see and begin to play with the building blocks of the web.

One of the first tasks in the Hackasaurus challenge is to introduce your peers to your favourite dinosaur. To date, over 200 webmakers have completed this challenge, and we think they’ve shared some pretty spectacular dinosaurs… Got a favourite? Let us know. Better yet join the course, upload your bestest beast and share with the community, and learn how to help build the open web.

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