Youth Voices and the NYC Writing Project @P2PU

This is a cross-posting from Karen Fasimpaur and the team of wonderful people at the School of Ed


Paul Allison through the NYC Writing Project‘s Youth Voices project has structured a learning game around a series of challenges for ELA, history/social studies, arts and media, and science. These challenges are tied to Common Core standards and competencies including Citing Evidence in Conversations, Independent Reading, Text-Dependent Research, Formulating Arguments in Areas of Interest, and Self-Directed Learning.

Here is the main site for this project.

This project includes a series of 15 challenges within each of the 4 subject areas listed above and are associated with 60 badges on P2PU. These challenges are designed for middle school and high school students and can be used as a full curriculum or in a variety of other ways that might fit your own learning goals. As with all open resources, these materials are intended to be adapted and remixed for your own use as well.

More information about the YouthVoices project is available on the site, as well as through this webinar:

Kudos to Paul, his students, and everyone else involved on this innovative new vision for a learner-directed curriculum.

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