Connected Educator month (hashtag #ce12) is starting today and runs for the whole month of August!
Online communities like P2PU School of Ed are helping hundreds of thousands of educators learn, reducing isolation and providing “just in time” access to knowledge and opportunities for collaboration. However, many educators are not yet participating and others aren’t realizing the full benefits.
For these reasons, the U.S. Department of Education’s Connected Educators initiative is launching Connected Educator Month in August 2012. Throughout August, there will be many opportunities to participate.
The P2PU School of Ed has a special Connected Educator group running this month, and we hope you’ll join us. There is also a calendar of other events going on throughout the month.
We all have so much to gain by being a part of a connected community, so if you are a connected educator, share your experiences, and if you aren’t yet connected to other teachers online (or know a teacher who isn’t), this is a great opportunity to get started.
This post is courtesy of the wonderful Karen Fasimpaur, the unofficial dean of the School of Ed.