Yesterday: design discussions with Alex, Talked with Vanessa about platform, talked to Mozilla, talked to Hewlett foundation about MOOCs, etc.
Today: metrics (head down) and Academy for International Cooperation is visiting.
Yesterday: great community call yesterday, banking, helpdesk, newsletter.
Today: finish newsletter stuff.
Yesterday: improving rough edges of courses, first helpdesk day.
Today: API and fixing autoresponder issues.
Yesterday:design discussions and blog post on what he’s doing about P2PU Content.
Today: more of that today.
Yesterday: trying to recover API code.
Today: more on that today.
Yesterday: trying to make mentorship platform more project-based, got working prototype of icebreaker games up yesterday (lasers are the new black).
Today: finishing up some of that today and tomorrow.
Yesterday: trying to encapsulate business logic in interface models.
Today: testing if he’s going in the right direction with the rest of the dev team.
Yesterday: talked with Stephen Carson about coordinating efforts with them, prepared for the AIC people to visit, prepared the research activity for the community call.
Today: mechanical MOOC stuff.
Yesterday: mockups for courses and cohorts.
Today: interviews to see what people think about all of that and the API.
Yesterday: comments and questions to alex on the mentorship, talked with alan about models for the open masters program.
Today: phone call with delia, dive into building courses with school of open.
Yesterday: finished up a lot of documentation, preparing for sprint on tuesday.
Today: delia and courses.
Sprint is next tuesday! Marcus from Creative Commons is coming today.
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