We’re Hosting a Hackathon!

We are having a hackathon on the 19th-22nd of July. Some people are going to be at Agora in Berlin, but it would be great if anyone wanted to join virtually. We also want non-developers to participate in the hackathon, so please come and join us.

The plan is to start, build and finish stuff by the end of the weekend, so bring your ideas, or see what’s already been suggested and lend a hand.

Please put your name in the etherpad (http://pad.p2pu.org/p/hackathon-2012-07-19-to-22) if you intend to come  and make updates to the pad as you see fit. We’ll send more details soon about how to participate remotely… keep your peepers peeled.

Image by rr0cketqueen, CC BY-NC

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