More Spider-sense mindmaps! As a conclusion for an intense design thinking last week, we’ve got mapped key attributes on how our users interact with P2PU. We took into consideration the feedback we registered from user studies, interviews, comments and suggestions.
Words have special powers here – adjectives try to envision a global perspective over the interaction and the verbs serve as a route, a path on which those happen. We’re really open here in Berlin to get feedback from the community, so please do it!
As we finished our “discover” part of the process, your suggestions may help during connecting ideas and constructing edupunk’d interfaces. This week will be full hands-on work as we advance on improved sketches, wireframes and page layouts. Special thanks go to Aleks and Vanessa for helping out on branding and content strategies as well as Chris and John for introducing the Bootstrap CSS framework.
Keep spider-senses on!