Today we hacked the format a bit, and added a Show & Tell session at the end, where people showed what they’ve been working on. Scroll down to see the links to these discussions. As always, thanks to Jessy for photographic proof that we are actually here..
Standup notes for 7/10/2012
Yesterday: finalised a few things for today’s release, filling in code contributions.
Today: Finishing off, then will work from home this afternoon to do the release
Yesterday: my hard drive collapsed – got a new one, it’s back up and beautiful.
Today: Continuing with dev script and front page.
Yesterday – finished School of ED SA proposal and sent it off, waiting to hear back. Performance review goals process locked down, next step to solidify for everyone.
Today: Some meetings, starting some performance reviews.
Today: Enjoying coffee
Arrived from Brazil today – strong and here!
Today: Getting general context for what everyone is working on, working on design aspect for new users
Yesterday: Finished people page, ready for a hack, getting photos, will drop them in
Today: Continuing all courses review – working with everyone – doing some quality curation, looking to see what level the course is appropriate for
Opening Bei Niels, 7:30 tonight
Yesterday: Mostly had meetings
Today: Get Browser Quest running and start tweaking
Yesterday: got ready for mechanical MOOC show and tell
Today: use feedback to make improvements
Alex K
Yesterday: requirements of mentorship platform, wireframes and a bit of code
Today: coding and design work
Yesterday: Got a lot of writing done, meeting with Gosia who will be helping co-ordinate a call for Open Masters participants in August
Today: more writing, meetings, Ashoka/Echoing Green proposal
Yesterday: Created and posted the create a course blg post
Today: Notifications text, working next generation of badges outline
Yesterday: rewrote performance evaulaution goals, budget updates
Today: reimbursements
Show & Tell!
John: The Mechanical MOOC
- see discussion and feedback here:
Niels: Contributors Gallery
Jessy – the new info site