This Week’s Community Call: Mockups, Mustard & More…



This week’s call was great – good discussions, great feedback and some brilliant tools, ideas and suggestions from the community. This is just a summary of the main discussions, there was a lot more that went on, so have a look at the etherpad for the full notes.

This Week’s Main Discussions

The new “Learn” page
The mockup of the new “Learn” page was done during the dev call this week. It’s fab.  It’s not final, and feedback is welcome, but it does have some wicked features, like tag searches, autoloaded scrolling in the sidebar, and the ability to search by language and course status. If anyone is interested in helping with some of the manual tagging, and wants to give feedback, please get in touch with John.

The School of Webcraft Report
There were 3 purposes in writing this report (which Chloe knows off by heart, it would seem): to help us get better at writing reports, to figure out how well badges/challenges are working and examining specifically how Webmaking 101 worked in the context of our partnership with Mozilla. The proper report will be ready next week, but we got a sneak preview. Some fascinating stats, which you can find in the notes.

The State of the Mustard
Philipp is making mustard. It changes over time and needs constant monitoring. Who knew?
We’re wondering if it’s worth doing a similar thing with P2PU, and if so, what kind of information people would find useful. Metrics? Partnerships? Upcoming meetings/competitions? If you have any ideas, let us know.

Consolidating courses/study groups/challenges
This is an important discussion, which will impact the final “learn” page – we want to make things simple, but useful. Do we have different types of groups, that are distinct and can be filtered, or not?  It would be helpful if people create lists of their favourite features in courses, study groups and challenges so that we can make sure that when we consolidate, we don’t lose good features. John will review all the discussions and emails about this topic, and make recommendations to the community.



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