New Features on

We’ve made some great changes to the latest release of our site. This version includes some great features for organisers and participants which will make running and participating in a course much easier to do. Mad respect to the dev team who have been working on these – you are all amazing. And if you’re interested in helping out, why not head over to github to learn more and get involved.


Customised Signup
In this release we included a new tab on the “Edit Study Group/Course”… page. In this tab organisers can add custom signup questions, and the answers will be visible to different groups of users.

  • Public Set: This is an extension of the standard set of questions. Answers are visible to all users once the author is accepted.
  • Between Participants Set: This set of questions will be visible only to other participants (when the author is accepted). This will make it much easier to asses applications to a group when you want to keep the answers hidden.

Users will also be able to preview their answers before they submit them.

Course Tags
Tags can now be added to study groups and courses as well as to your profile. This means it will be easier to search for courses that suit your particular interest.

edit tags tags

New-Look Badges
The pilot badges (which can be earned at have cool images now.

Badges on Profile

Though the UI is not ready yet, we also included functionality to allow users who got badges on the pilot to send them to the Open Badge Infrastructure (now set up at









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