Featured courses at P2PU this week

Happy Friday, good people…

In case any of you are contemplating a weekend with nothing to do, we thought we’d let you know about some of the fantastic new courses on www.p2pu.org, which are open, ready for sign-up and just waiting for you join and start learning with your peers. We think they’re pretty exciting…

  • Breaking Language Barriers
    A study group to determine the best method of using P2PU to break the language barriers many people face in today’s changing society.
  • Social Good and a Profit
    A project outside of Nakuru, Kenya that is working to help people help themselves and provide a safe and authentic place for visitors to stay.  In this project work with the others involved to ask questions, brainstorm ideas, and help to create a low start up project that both serves the social good and is able to be profitable within 4 weeks.

If you’re interested in any of these courses, or want to see some of the others we have on offer, head over to www.p2pu.org and take a look!



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