P2PU in June

Welcome to the P2PU (mostly) monthly update. This is our way of filling you  in on all the news about our site development, new study groups and courses, and general P2PU news from the month of June.

We’ve moved!
The move to our wonderful new site p2pu.org took place last week, and it couldn’t have been smoother. Many thanks and mad props to the wonderful dev  team and everyone who gave their time and smarts to making this happen.

  • If you have any questions about how to create, run, join or participate in a study group or course on the new site, check out our brilliant handbook and Help Desk <http://p2pu.org/en/groups/p2pu-help-desk/>*

Course News
We’re proud to be partnering with some great organisations to create  exciting and innovative courses – take a look at some of the new ones which are open for sign-up right now:

With the Saylor Foundation:
Baroque Art History of Italy, Spain and the Netherlands
This study group examines the history of Western art in Italy, Spain, and  the Netherlands.  It represents the first two units of a course available at  The Saylor Foundation. By the time you finish  this course, you will be familiar with the most important art and artists of  Western Baroque art.

Microeconomics: An Introduction
Understand how people, businesses, governments and other organisations  interact in markets via their consumption, production and financial  behaviours and build a foundation in basic economics.  The open source  material and study outline come from The Saylor  Foundation,  and will cover Units 1-3 in this six week study group. Participants can  expect to understand the material through readings, active asynchronous
discussions and exercises.

More new courses
There are some great new topics which are open for sign up:

An Introduction to Data Wrangling: How to Get, Use and Share Data
Citizen Cyberscience Rocks: For anyone and everyone who wants to solve important science problems in collaborative and innovative ways!
Learning from the World in Motion How can we create a framework for self-facilitated learning based on lessons from the world around us?

Get Involved
Do you want to create a study group?

It’s easy, just create a P2PU account and follow the  prompts
Got a question about P2PU?
Have a look at our FAQ , if the answer is not  there, just ask it!
Join the P2PU Discussion List
To participate in ongoing discussions about P2PU, sign up  here
Dying to just hack?
Have a look at the Contributing to Lernanta group on the site.
Submit a bug on the tracker.
Contribute to the code at Github

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