We’ve proven that we can do smooth and we can do hip and hop – but this week we are taking it up a level. We are pulling out all — and I mean ALL — the stops. We literally burn our guitars on stage in golden underwear. Because P2PU is a wild thing!
Wild thing, you make my heart sing > Website, we’ve spent countless nights crying ourselves to sleep worried over you, but with the recent spate of updates our hearts are starting to sing. Charles and George built new Dashboards (both personal and one for each course) that are so powerful that you could land a 747 on a 4 lane highway in the middle of rush hour during a thunderstorm and nobody would get hurt. And even better: notification emails from the forum now contain full messages, so you don’t have to actually go to the site at all anymore, and you can just stay at home by yourself and practice the electric guitar. Other changes are already on the development server, but not yet on the live site – like a lot less clutter (fewer links on the course home pages). And finally, we are getting rid of the somewhat complicated course creation workflow, and you can just click on “create a course” in order to create a course, wow! (a draft course actually)
You make, ah, everything groovy > Sometimes people get into arguments over silly stuff. Like they didn’t know that you like to keep the toothpaste unscrewed over night – on purpose. But none of that happens at P2PU, because now you can read exactly what you are getting yourself into when you come here, to the wild things. In our new and improved Terms of use (http://p2pu.org/terms-of-use) and privacy guidelines (http://p2pu.org/privacy). Thank you Delia and other anonymous lawyers for keeping it groovy.
I think you move me, but I want to know for sure > Last week you were still wondering if we’d move you to Barcelona for our community workshop – but now you know for sure. The conference committee reviewed all applications and sent out invitation emails. Unfortunately this song contains no lyrics about hard work, but that’s what it’s going to be, you wild thing! Hard work.
Wild thing, I think I love you > I bet you never thought about it that way, but once you see our brand-new etherpad server (http://pad.p2pu.org) crashing every couple of hours, you’ll also call it a wild thing. And you’ll still love it, because collaborative note taking in color is kind of like painting by numbers, but better.
There are lots of other things to love this week, including our plans to totally revolutionize assessment, an awesome School of Webcraft call with the usual suspects, and our new stack overflow Q&A site. Speaking of which, if you really do feel the love, go ahead and show it – by posting an unrelated question. Yes, love has never been that
And in case this blistering hot email still has you doubting, see the flames and find out about our golden underwear right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPvehX2aWb8
Don’t do anything this weekend! Or do like Bekka and burn the midnight oil at OppiKoppi.