P2PU Values


This week, P2PU was proud to publish our very first version of the Peer 2 Peer University values. These core values underpin what P2PU does and is. Having them clearly articulated will help us in the development of our strategic plan, with decisions we have to make about the project and our courses, and with the growth of the community.

The process of creating these values started after our workshop in Berlin in 2009, and while the process has taken a while, it has been completely open and collaborative, and most members of the P2PU community have contributed to the document in some way. However, they are by no means set in stone!

P2PU has always been about doing, and that means as we keep experimenting and innovating, these values might change in the future – and that’s not a bad thing.

You can find a description of our values on the P2PU website, feel free to take a look, and leave a comment.

Image by Johndbritton on Flickr, CC BY 2.0

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