Opening It All Up

4415770896_b0e3386450As P2PU grows and starts to look more and more like a real organisation, (as opposed to a rag-tag bunch of OER enthusiasts) we’ve been thinking a lot about issues like transparency, accountability and openness.
These are principles and concepts that have always driven how we do things at P2PU. They may not make for the most expedient  ways of doing things, but we do believe very strongly that they do inform the correct way to do things, and that’s extremely important to remember in how we go about our day-to-day business.

So, the next question is, how do you take these principles, and actually put them into action?
P2PU took a first step toward this last week, when we made the To-do lists of our Director, Philipp Schmidt and Community Manager, Rebecca Kahn open to all members of the P2PU community.

Stored online as Google documents, and open for comment and additions by any member of the community, these lists allow allow P2PU community members to see exactly how Philipp and Rebecca spend their time. It also allows community members to see what tasks are being dealt with at any one time, and allows them to volunteer their time or expertise in any area where they feel they can make a contribution.

You can see the documents here:

Some members of the community had requested that tasks like “making dinner and delivering it to community members’ houses” be added to the list. While no outright objections to this proposal have been lodged, it is still being discussed at the highest possible levels.

Image: To Do List by tmray02 on Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

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