P2PU is an open community. Anyone can join, contribute to projects, create courses. Together we build and operate P2PU. We set strategic goals, plan and run learning experiments, design features of the site, and discuss the future of education (a lot).
Get Started:
- Leave a comment below
- Join the community mailing list
- Find a course on http://p2pu.org and start learning … or set up a new course.
For the longer version, read on …
Translator? Rogue academic? Computer hacker? None of the above? This is the place for you.
Curious what it means to be involved? What are the things other people are working on?
User Interface/User Experience design and development of our open source platform Lernanta has lots of tasks and projects to get involved in. Other people focus on creating courses, experimenting with new ways to run courses, reaching out to groups who haven’t used P2PU before, or translation into new languages. We also have lots of conversations about pedagogical reflection and feedback and could always use an extra rogue academic. Or you could work on creating content in new areas, give feedback on new badges or the current platform, organize local meetups, give a talk about P2PU at an event, or pretty much anything else you can imagine.
Still interested? See below for how to get in touch.
Community Mailing List
The p2pu-community mailing list is where most discussion and work takes place. The list is open to everyone, and it’s how you can get yourself roped in and get involved. It is relatively high traffic, because we literally do make most decisions about P2PU works via this list. Feel free to browse the list archives if you want to see what our discussions are like.
Next: Sign up and say “hello”.
Community Calls
P2PU also has weekly community calls. These last about an hour and are comprised of regular updates about P2PU operations, development, and projects, as well as agenda items which change week-to-week, reflecting opportunities or particularly rich discussion topics from the mailing list. Sometimes we invite collaborators to attend the call and share their progress; other times we’ll discuss a new project or how we as a team plan to approach a new challenge or opportunity. We always encourage course organizers to attend and tell us about their experiences (good and bad) to help us learn and continue to improve what we do.

The weekly calls are announced on the mailing list, including call-in details and a link to that week’s agenda. We have been using Google Hangouts for the call, because they are free and easy to use, and allow us to record and then upload the video of the call to YouTube. P2PU’s community calls involve a unique combination of voice discussion supported by collaborative note-taking and etherpad chat. You have to experience it to really appreciate it. We think it works quite well! You can see the archive of call videos on our YouTube page
Start a Project
The community list is also a place where you can share your own learning projects. Our community is full of people working on awesome projects pushing the boundaries of peer and open learning. Many of these projects live in a broader ecosystem beyond our specific learning platform. If you have an active learning project, tell us about it! What questions are you exploring, what crazy experiments are you trying, what observations have you made?
In some cases, P2PU projects evolve into P2PU labs projects. Read more about those projects on the Labs page.
Join a School
A P2PU School is comprised of a core group of people committing to organize multiple courses within a given content area. The group identifies core competencies in the content area and develops pathways to learning and recognition. P2PU currently has six Schools in collaboration with other initiatives. To join a School, visit its page to sign up for its mailing list, create courses in that content area, and find other ways to get involved.
come back to school
P2PU should open to french people as many are not as fluent in english language for them to learn from existing MOOCS, so I post a comment from France and say a big Hello to P2PU community 🙂
Let’s get translating then Cedric 🙂