Our technology plan in a post Mayan era

How all good tech strategies begin - with a couch and some ideas

How all good tech strategies begin – with a couch and some ideas

It’s that time of year when we reflect on what we have done the past year and plan for the year ahead. Before we tell you about the projects that will be happening in 2013, we should talk a bit about our overarching strategy for technology.

We build tools for open learning on the web AND we experiment with tools from other people. We tinker. Some of our tools will work and be successful and others won’t. That’s ok. Some tools will work well together, others will work well as separate applications.

Going forward our plan is to build things that are lean and mean and that we can actively maintain if it’s a hit or safely abandon if it isn’t. Just to be clear, we have no plans to abandon Lernanta. We simply think of it as a collection of tools, rather than one integrated platform. The web is our platform. We will continue to support courses, schools, a way to discover courses and issuing OBI compliant badges.

So, without further ado, here are some of the exciting projects we tentatively lined up for this year!

  • Clean Courses: wrap up the improvements we’ve made to courses and roll it out on p2pu.org. Simpler, cleaner, more user-friendly.
  • Better badges: an exciting new badging experience with improved feedback and assessment!
  • MOOC Maker: make it easy for more people to run instances of lightweight MOOCs like the “Mechanical MOOC”.
  • Front page: update our homepage (p2pu.org) to reflect and showcase the important things going on across the P2PU community.
  • Course index: help people discover more relevant learning experiences that we are involved with.
  • Internationalization:  improve the quality of translations on P2PU and enable more people to translate P2PU tools and materials to their native language.
  • Google+ course: a whole course using Google+ and hangouts as an experiment. This is something completely different and it will be interesting to see where the approach breaks down and where it excels!

Openness is one of the core principles at P2PU and we want to be as open as possible with our development process. We will share something shortly that describes how we are planning to get these things done in 2013 and make it easy for anyone to be informed and to get involved!

Stay tuned!

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