The Red Cross launches a MOOC!

We’re absolutely delighted to highlight the newest experiment in online youth learning of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

RedTalk is the Red Cross and Red Crescent Learning network’s online learning experience, connecting global experts with community-based volunteers to share their insights, challenge, and learn. Each RedTalk is an opportunity to learn about a key topic in humanitarian and development work. The RedTalk approach aims to set new standards on howideas and knowledge can raise the sights of the development and humanitarian community.

In the run up to the Red Cross Red Crescent Global Youth Conference in Vienna this December RedTalk is runningRedTalk #13 – a series of online, interactive missions – yes, you guessed it, it’s a MOOC!

Every Monday, those who enroll will receive an email outlining their mission for the week, which will be based around one of the four themes from the Global Youth Conference. Once aweek, participants will meet online to share what they are learning.
Each week’s mission should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Those who wish to deepen their learning may spend additional time on optional learning opportunities.

P2PU has provided some assistance to RedTalk in the learning design process, and we can’t wait to see the launch of the first mission.


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