Berlin is over. School of Open is not.

Piet did a great job of recapping all the work (and play) we did around School of Open in Berlin. I don’t have much to add on that front, except to say that I’m really proud of all the work we did together as a team and as a community, and that I plan to keep doing it with Piet, Molly, Kamil, Chloe, Philipp, Bekka, and the rest of you (P2PU + CC communities).

Here’s our progress to date and how you can get involved:

We also ran three School of Open events. I already gave a download of our first virtual sprint and offline workshop, and Chloe gives a nice overview of the hackjam where we tested Mozilla’s open web challenges — originally designed for elementary school students, but totally applicable and fun for adults!

Last, but not least, Philipp and I decided that in the spirit of what it stands for, the School of Open should be run openly. I think we’ve done a pretty good job of that so far, but we could do a better job of organizing our documentation, so we’ve decided to create an Open Governance course together — since I am coordinating all the activity around the School of Open and Philipp is P2PU’s Master of the Custodial Arts. So stay tuned for more on that front!

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