You may have noticed that we’ve been a little bit quiet over the last couple of days. It’s not becuase we’re off enjoying all the delights of Berlin (we’ve been doing that too…) but because we’ve been delving into some hard thinking here at the P2PU Popup Office.
After 3 weeks of “doing” – building, coding, writing, talking – we decided to take a different tack, and have spent the last 2 days talking in a group about some of the strategic questions that often come up at P2PU, under the careful and capable guidance of Marien Baerveldt from De Universiteit in the Netherlands.
Who our community is, what community means, what we think we’re good (and bad) at and why we think what we do has value, have been some of the questions we have addressed. We don’t have 100% answers or solutions yet – that’s part of the fun. But we really want to share our thinking with you very, very soon. Keep your eyes open.