School of Open Virtual Sprint: How you can participate

Thanks for saving the date for the first School of Open Virtual Sprint, set to take place next Tuesday, 24 July from 2:00-5:00pm Berlin time (UTC/GMT+1). We’ve further fleshed out how it will all go down.

LSE Sports Day, Malden Sports Ground, c1920s
LSE Sports Day, Malden Sports Ground, c1920s / LSE Library / No known copyright restrictions

Before the Sprint

During the Sprint

  • Share your existing resources (course materials, books, articles) at the pad

After the Sprint

  • Continue building your course with help from others at the School of Open discussion list:
  • Email schoolofopen [at] p2pu [dot] org when you think it is ready to be featured as part of the School of Open
  • Invite your friends! Help us spread the word about the School of Open by using the #schoolofopen hashtag in social media and bragging about us on your blog.

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